18 - 25 January 2020
*NEW - Listen to the short daily reflections on our homepage
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) is celebrated all over the world, by individuals, groups and churches regardless of denomination. This year's theme, chosen by the churches of Malta, is `Unusual Kindness'. Taken from Acts chapter 28, it describes how Paul was warmly welcomed after being shipwrecked on Malta.
Here in Hitchin, Churches Together (CTiH) has arranged the following daily prayer gatherings at across our town:
- Saturday 18th 9.30pm - Praying with Street Angels (at Walsworth Road)
- Monday 20th 7.00 pm - Zeo Church (at Zeo Centre)
- Tuesday 21st 7.15pm - Our Lady’s Church
- Wednesday 22nd 9.15am - St Mark’s Church
- Thursday 23rd 11.00am - Tilehouse St Baptist Church
- Friday 24th 12.30pm - Christchurch
Saturday 25th 12noon - St Faith’s
In addition to the prayer gatherings, CTiH has organised an exchange of preachers on the Sundays during and at the end of the WPCU week (Sundays 19th & 26th January).
CTiH also have a joint service at Holy Saviour Church at 6.30pm on Sunday 19th January - there'll be no evening service at Walsworth Road that week. The joint service includes the welcome of Rev Jane Robson (Tilehouse Street Baptist) as the new Chair of Churches Together in Hitchin - Jane will also be the preacher at this service.
Members of all churches are welcome at any of the above gatherings or services. If you would like to follow the theme personally, material for reading, reflection and action can be found here (external). Listen to the short daily reflections on our homepage