Gathering in person and online every Sunday - we'd love to meet you!
Gathering for Learning
10.00aM In person and online
A 30-minute session watching a short video and offering discussion time afterwards. Video series are varied and have previously covered everyday themes (Stuck) as well as exploring Biblical characters (There Are No Strong People).

This Sunday: Ephesians - An In-Depth Study

From 10.30aM
Tea and coffee is available in the welcome area between our gatherings. All are invited to chat but for those wanting a quiet space, feel free to take your drink through into the church
Gathering for Worship
11.00aM In person and online
We come as we are to worship - there's no dress code and you won't be asked to say anything. We stand up to sing, but please don't feel embarrassed to stay seated if you'd rather - it's whatever makes you feel comfortable.

This Sunday: Rev. Andrew Henton Pusey - Church Parade

AV system & T-Loop

Projected words

Available online
Gathering online
Live-streaming since 2020
From the first Sunday of lockdown we've held church online, and that's still the case now. Both our gatherings in the building are live-streamed on Zoom with the opportunity for conversation with others online between sessions

Meeting ID: 829-8153-5197 Click here for the password

Other services
We also have a number of different services throughout the year - more details on some of these are available below.