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An update on the Peace on our Streets campaign led by PREMIER

After attending the Premier Digital conference last November, we signed up to Peace On Our Streets, a prayer campaign led by PREMIER aiming to mobilise Christians across the country and fight the battle against youth violence through prayer.

Since the campaign launch, more than 5,000 individuals and churches have joined the movement actively praying for an end to youth violence, particularly knife crime which rose by 16% in 2018.

We're less than a month into 2019 and already have heard heart-breaking stories from the across the country of young people losing their lives to senseless violence. The British Transport Police recently revealed they now deal with 3 knife crimes a day on the national train network alone - it is urgent that Christians, churches and individuals pray for our communities and young people as never before.

Purple marks recent crimes while yellow marks the individuals and groups signed up to pray

The purple dots on the map above highlight the locations of serious crimes just in our local area since the campaign began in October 2018 while the yellow marks those who have joined the prayer campaign.

To know more about the campaign and support the appeal, please click on this link.

Content and data taken from the Urgent Prayer Alert sent by PREMIER Christian Communications on 24 January 2019


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