As we noted at the September Church Meeting, our next Church Meeting (Tuesday 19 November) will include the Election of Deacons. We say a special thank you to all our Deacons for their service to us as trustees, in their leading of us, in their care for us, and so much more besides. Of the current diaconate, Les Ebdon, Natalie Noble and Stephen Pickett are all completing their 3-year term as Deacon, and we are very grateful to know that all three are willing to be nominated for re-election to a further term. We are also hopeful that we can add to the number of Deacons at WRBC, and so trust again in God’s leading of individuals and of the Church meeting too.
As we prepare for these Deacons’ Elections, please note the following timeline.
Nominations – with a book available in the Richard Johnson Room – will open on Sunday 27th October, and will close on Sunday 10th November (12.30pm).
The Election will take place at the next Church Meeting on Tuesday 19th November.
A church member becomes eligible for nomination to serve as Deacon after belonging as a member for twelve months.
A nomination is made by two church members, with the explicit agreement of the nominee, and all three names are included within the Nominations Book at the church.
Postal ballot papers will be available on request where a church member is unable to attend the Church meeting on Tuesday 19 November. And voting at the Church meeting will be by paper ballot.
Please be prayerful about this significant process, and especially that we will know the Lord’s leading to the right people to serve as Deacons at WRBC in this season.
Thank you.