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Every two years, we hold a primary school art exhibition, with contributions from four or five local schools invited on a particular subject. Hitchin ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ is our theme this year - the exhibition ran on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July.

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Thanks to all who stopped in during the exhibition. We were fortunate to be able to share it directly with children from a contributing school during a number of visits the Monday after. Will there be another one - we're not sure yet! This year's featured over 900 contributions from six local primary schools and so was understandably a very large undertaking - read the full report here

Our next WRBC150 event is now less than two weeks away. One Fine Day is a free community festival we are putting on to celebrate our 150th anniversary, with music, games, activities, food, and more - it's even part of Hitchin Festival! Please come along from 10am on Saturday 20 July and join in the celebrations with us

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